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Which Country Produces Most Wine


Top Ten Wine Producing Countries in the World

(Top 10 wine producing countries in Europe) The Wine is alcoholic liquor produced from grapes or some other fruits after the process of fermentation. The naturally occurring chemical balance of grapes makes the fermentation period of wine possible without the additions of chemicals, sugars, minerals, water, enzymes or other nutritional values.

This short discussion upon the most Wine production is collected after the sources full data from Juicy Grapes Wines Setup which has surveyed the top ten countries of most wine production from the amount of bottles they produce. Thus this is an astonishing thing to know that the China is now producing the most of the wine in comparison to the South Africa or People from Portugal and now is also responsible for about eleven million hector-liters in a year.

Now here is the country “France” which is of on the top position in the most wine production. France has about 46 m hector-liters of bottles produced every year. However, the Italy is a close to figure with this country and is on 2nd rank with production of 44 m of wine.

According to the Food and Farming Organization (FAO), Agency belongs to United Nations. And here on Country Differ. we tried to show complete worldwide productions of wine of 26,216,967 tones. Surprisingly these ten countries accounting for greater than eighty fiver percent production of most wine.

Top 10 Countries With Highest Aids Rate

Top Ten Countries with Highest Hiv | Highest AIDS rate in the World

In this short article you will see the record of countries and regions according to the people diseased with the HIV, that is the reason of AIDS, also the incident quantity within the adults based on details from different sources, mostly the CIA World Fact book.

The details creates obvious Africa’s regrettable position in the world level HIV and AIDS outbreak, as the 19 countries globally with the biggest occurrence of revealed attacks are all Africa countries with more than 24.5 hundred thousand, and larger than 60% of the HIV-diseased persons. South African is revealed to have the biggest individuals residing with the illness, more than 5 million individuals effected, followed by Nigeria in 2nd position and Indian being the 3rd biggest persons of HIV contaminated and greater than 2 million individuals revealed due to its huge total inhabitants.

Human Immunodeficiency Viruses (HIV) is one of the too dangerous viruses on the world which causes the AIDS. The spreading of this dangerous sickness could have different reasons i.e. from sex, from contaminated medication instruments, infectious shots and from mom to kid etc.

List of Top Ten HIV infected people ratio By Country

Rank Country Number of Infected Persons
1. South Africa.svgSouth Africa 5,600,000
2. NigeriaNigeria 3,300,000
3. 23px-Flag_of_India.svgIndia 2,400,000
4. KenyaKenya 1,500,000
5. MozambiqueMozambique 1,400,000
6. TanzaniaTanzania 1,400,000
7. UgandaUganda 1,200,000
8. United States.svgUnited States 1,200,000
9. ZimbabweZimbabwe 1,200,000
10. Russia.svgRussia 980,000

Q: Which Country has the Highest AIDS Rate in the World.?

Ans:- Southeast African-American is the country having the Maximum AIDS inhabitant’s quantity in the World having greatest individuals diseased with HIV. According to an estimation it has 56,00,000 people with HIV contamination out of 51,770,560.

10 Countries Spending the Most on the Military


Countries Spending the Most on the Military

(Top 10 countries spending the most on the military) The expenses spent by a country on its Military within a specific year are also specific. Military expenses details are provided in US $ depending on either continuous or present rates of exchange.

If we read the short saying of “James Madison, Governmental Findings, 1795”, then we can easily understand the purpose of this topic. As James Madison said, of the enemy to publically independence war is, may be the most to be terrifying due to it consists of and produces the germs of every other. The War is the mother of armies; from these continue financial obligations and taxation… the known equipment for providing the several under the control of the few.… No country could protect its independence/freedom in the middle of continuous warfare.

And the Military Expenditures results will differ from year-year depending on variations in the rates of exchange of currency of country. And these variations may modify a position of country from one year-next.

The record is in accordance with the SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) Year-book 2013 such as a record on the top 10 Military spenders, depending on industry rates of exchange.

 Top Ten Countries Spending Most on Military

Rank Country Name

(GDP in %)

Total Spending

in $ Bn. PPP (World Share in %)

1. United States.svgUnited States          (4.4) 682.0    (39.0)
2. ChinaPeople’s Republic of China (2.0) 249.0   (9.5)
3. Russia.svgRussia                     (4.4) 116.0   (5.2)
4. United Kingdom.svgUnited Kingdom      (2.5) 57.5    (3.5)
5. 23px-Flag_of_Japan.svgJapan                     (1.0) 46.0   (3.4)
6. France.svgFrance                    (2.3) 50.7   (3.4)
7. Saudi Arabia.svgSaudi Arabia           (8.9) 63.9   (3.2)
8. 23px-Flag_of_India.svgIndia                      (2.5) 119.0 (2.6)
9. Germany.svgGermany                (1.4) 42.8  (2.6)
10. ItalyItaly                       (1.7) 31.0  (1.9)

Q: Which Countries Spending the Most on the Military.?

Ans: It seems surprising that United States Military expenditure are still on top even it has already far going above that of any other country and at stats real-terms levels since World War II, is ongoing to improve in the face of a serious financial problems and a chief executive dedicated to a more multilateral foreign policy approach.

The answer could be in the issue in Afghanistan, to which Donald Trump dedicated and where the United States Military existence is increasing day by day, even as the issue in Iraq gusts of wind down.

Top Ten Beef Producing Countries in the World


Top 10 Beef Producing Countries in the World

(Top largest meat producing countries in the world) The term Beef is derived from the Latin word bōs, contrary to cow, that is from English Middle word “cou” (these two terms have the same meaning in Ind-European). When the Norman Conquest was finished, the French speaking nobles who decided Britain normally used France terms to make reference to the meats they were provided.

The Beef muscular meat could be cut into meal steaks, roasting or small rib. Few cuttings of Beef are prepared (corned beef or beef jerkins), and extras, usually combined with meat from mature, more lean livestock are chopped or used in sausages. The Beef is the 3rd most commonly usage meat on the globe, bookkeeping for approximately twenty five percent of meat production globally, after pork and chicken at thirty eight percent and thirty percent respectively. In overall figures, the U.S, Brazil and the Individuals Republic of China are the three biggest customers of beef in the world.

Top 10 Populated Countries In the World


Which Country Has the Most (Largest) Population in the World

The Population Density is particularly used for the living creatures, and specially to people and it can be defined as the statistic of population/unit area. Population is a major geographical phrase which is used by every country for its populations or individuals stats.

The numbers of total people or the total population data collected by http://www.countrydiffer.com are in accordance with the latest updates calculate or projections by the nationwide demographics powers where available. Where modified nationwide data are not present, the figures are in accordance with the 2013 reports by the Population Divisions of the UN’s (United Nations) Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

In China the Shanghai is the biggest City although its Capital is Beijing. If we go through the figures of Population of this country then we find amazing results that it has about 1.2 Billion (1,354,040,000) individuals residing in it. About an calculation the 19.16% population around the world is present in the China.  

List of Top 10 Populated Countries In the World

What Country is Singapore in


What Country is Singapore in (Near, Code, Located, Origin)

Did you recognize whether or not Singapore is a city or a country? This query seems to be a infantile query due to the fact nearly absolutely everyone is aware of that It is widely diagnosed as an impartial nation but in keeping with its ministry of law, It ought to be treated as a town. Where is Singapore positioned inside the international and wherein united states of America it’s miles positioned? It can’t be determined with out a complete look at of this newsletter.

It is officially diagnosed because the Republic of Singapore that’s placed inside the Southeast Asia. It is covering the place of most effective 416.1 square kilometers and 1.444% water. Its population consistent with 2016 estimates become calculated fifty three, ninety nine,two hundred and density rate 7540/square kilo meters. Is in one of the quickest growing economies around the globe. Due to its fastest developing commerce quarter, it has one of the quickest net connections inside the world.
It is one of the maximum famous business hubs due to its fastest growing and main trade region round the world. Its economy is given the highest rank as the widely open inside the global. Its economy is one of the maximum famous and fastest developing economies around the arena because of the lowest taxes, least corrupt and expert commercial enterprise increase are making it the best region for commercial enterprise and this is the important thing in the back of its main financial growth. It’s consistent with capita GDP in line with 2015 census was valued $sixty one,046 making it one of the richest nations and states round the sector.

What Country is Singapore in

Singapore is positioned among the components of Indonesia as well as Malaysia, so it can not be decided whether it’s far the a part of Indonesia or Malaysia. Singapore is an impartial state positioned at the southern tip of Malay Peninsula within the South Asia among the Indian Ocean and China Sea.

Which Country has most Powerful Currency


Which Country Currency is more Powerful in the World

(Top Ten Highest (powerful) currency in the world) In a formal way a Currency can be defined as the formal cash money value which a nation will function with other foreign countries. For best assessing of the strongest currency of the world the team of http://www.countrydiffer.com had a look at the Market of Forex for finding that which currency offers the most attentions.

While dealing with the Markets of Currency Exchange then there are about three main Foreign Exchange Markets on the globe i.e. in the United States of America, European countries and in Asia. Here are the stats of currencies which are exercised from the combined attention off all the 3 market places which a currency exchanges done.

Below are the stats of the top ten most powerful Currencies on the globe, as calculated by %age of the Foreign Trade Market:

Which Country is Most Affected by Climate Change


Which Countries Will be Most Affected by Climate Change

Our today topic of discussion we will see in which country the climate change is highly affected so, let’s start from how does the modification in the weathers conditions over the times which range from years and years to an incredible number of decades is recognized as weather change. This could be due to the aspects that include oceanic procedures like to an ocean’s flow of bio-tic processes difference in the solar rays by the earth activity.


Other than these there could also be so many aspects that are responsible for the weather change/G.W (Global Warming). All over the globe many researchers are performing only to get understanding of previous and coming future climates with the help of the models of weathers clarification and theories. Many countries have hotter climatic areas similarly some countries are well known for too colder temperature conditions. Climatic Risks catalog are the details which provide the level of that countries which are impacted by modifications in climate conditions. Here on countrydiffer.com after the verified searches and sources providing the top ten countries that impacted greatly by the weather change on the globe.

Which Country Does not Have Military Force


Which Country Has no Military Forces

(which country has no military forces ) A time ago there is the well saying of popular France states-man George Clemenceau, “War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military,” and it can also be seen nowadays, his declaration during current situations also appears real.

Although, many countries have huge forces of military which are capable to set up and secure during any given conditions (the greatest and most significant Military force is of Chinese China, it has approximately 1,600,000 military individuals), some countries have no military at all.


Here on countrydiffer.com you can found a record of top seven countries which have not set up their militaries, every country among them have different factors of not having the Military Forces. Some Countries don’t have it all due to of the nation’s record and rest doesn’t have due to of its locality. However, several individuals believe that a military power is a requirement, but it also reality that some countries have no demand for military forces.

Following are the Top Five Countries Working without Military Forces

Top Ten Most Expensive Cities in the World

Which City is Most Expensive to Live in

(List of most expensive cities in the world to visit) The City Expensiveness can surrounds the several aspects start with in a city costs of living for expatriates workers, i.e. financial values, customers confidences, investments, interests levels, exchange rates of the currencies of countries, and real estate costs. The following results not includes the expensiveness of a city with respect to the cost of living benefits accumulated to regional people via governmental subsidized real estate, medical care and educations, variations in-taxation, and different remaining aspects unrelated to retirees. Residing costs may be much higher for retirees than for regional people in a creating nation.


Top 10 Countries With Highest Employment Rate in the World


Country has the Highest Employment Rate in the World

Employment of the individual or workers is known as the individuals who will work on payment wage or income for the particular work hours hired by the company or working system.

Looking at following researches and to figure out employment %age every season a job amount is measured and a review is ready by the Organization for Financial Co-operations and Growth to evaluate the rate of applied individuals in the country or globe.


In the world there are a lot of countries that have large growing job possibilities with each season while on the side conditions there are also a lot of inadequate countries where lack of employment is the main society problem. Here is a record of high ranked countries where the amount of applied individuals is greater than other countries around the globe. In other terms we could conclude that which countries with most job possibilities for people, so individuals from all over the globe come here to get the facilities of largest employment rates.

Top 10 Densely Populated Countries in the World


What is the Least Most Densely Populated Country in the World

Most Densely Populated Countries in the World.? By the studies of reports of 2012 and after the search of genuine and confirmed resources “Macau” country is the most largely populated in the world that is having the area coverage of about 29.5 square km.  20,497.34 individuals are residing per square km.

Language: Chinese.

Position point: Near Hong Kong

The most of its economic system is depending on travel and leisure. In compliance to a calculation in 2008 its complete GDP was $31.271 billion while per household was $59,451.


List of Top Ten Most Densely Populated Countries  in the World

Top 10 Most Expensive Currency In The World

Top 10 Most Valuable Currency in the World

The present record was taken on the 11th February of 2014 and is rated per their value against dollar of US. Most valuable/Expensive currency doesn’t actually means that the currency is more best financial marketing choice or that it symbolizes a greater financial health of a country. In the order of expensiveness here is the list of currencies:


1.            Kuwaiti Dinar:

(1 KWD= 3.54 USD)

Kuwait is a country which is somehow small than New Jersey, and it a home of the globe’s most powerful currency.

2.            Bahrain Dinar:

(1 BHD= 2.65 USD)

Bahrain is also a small isle country, roughly 3.5 times the size of Washington D.C. Its market depends on oil manufacturing and improving and economical services and development.

3.            Omani Rial:

(1 OMR = 2.60 USD)

Oman, formally known as the “Sultanate of Oman” and it is an Arabic state in south western Asia. Oman has a tactically significant place at the main area of the Persian Gulf. Since 1986, it had its value rate of currency with respect to the $ at an amount of 1 OMR = $2.60 US.

4.            Latvian Lats:

(1 LVL= 1.97 USD)

The Latvian, regarding the West Virginia size, has joined the supportive value to the Lat in support of the Euro that is predicted to be the formal currencies during 2012. During current situation $1.97 US is equal to the One Lats.

5.            UK Pound Sterling:

(1 GBP = 1.64 USD)

The people of the United Kingdom are using their positive exchange amounts and coming to the United States, where everything for these people is half-off.

List of Most Expensive Currency In The World (6-10)

No. Country Name Currency (Currency Value)
1. JordanJordanian Jordanian Dinar (1 JOD =1.41 USD)
2. European UnionEuropean European Euro (EUR = 1.37 USD)
3. Azerbaijan.svgAzerbaijan Azerbaijan Manat (1 Manat = 1.28 USD)
4. Cayman Islands (pre-1999).svgCayman Islands Cayman Islands Dollar (1 KYD = 1.22 USD)
5. SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland (1 Franc = 1.12 USD)


Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries in the World


Top 10 Most Dangerous Places in the World to Live

The foremost and the most thinkable thing which the families think when ever going to any vocational holidays is the criminal and the dangerous level of that vocational areas or the countries. Vacation companies spend lots of huge amount of money in a single year for lowering the dangerous level of the countries and for creating pleasant dreams of tropics holidays on wonderful seashores, hotels and the resorts.  Although all of these efforts gone waste when the visitors or the own citizens of the any country face the dangerous of living in such dangerous countries.

Approximately the ninety nine percent of the individuals who contact the traveling guiders, both the travelers and team became the sufferers of criminal activity in the Dangerous countries. A fewer individuals reported the crimes and even of being pick pocketed in Italy. As in the many dangerous countries there are weapons or guns from individuals who are involved in the crimes.

Top Ten Countries with the Highest Birth Rates


Which Countries have the Highest Fertility (Birth Rates) Rates in the World

                 Raw beginning amount (birth rate) represents the variety of births over a certain interval separated by the individuals-years resided by the inhabitants regarding that interval. It is indicated as variety of births per 1,000 inhabitants.


After viewing the various genuine and confirmed resources and research Niger is the Country having the biggest Birth rate on the globe.

The record is in accordance with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) “2016 yearly statistics”.

List of Countries with the Highest Birth Rate